Finally, you can easily check in and out with a bank card, credit card or mobile phone. This is called OVpay and is the new way of checking in and out, very convenient if you sporadically travel by public transport.
Using OVpay is simplified as you no longer need a separate ticket. Recharging the balance on an OV-chip card is also a thing of the past.
When you check in with a debit card, you automatically travel 2nd class and without a discount. Just make sure you check out again with the same debit card. Otherwise, the trip will be considered incomplete and double/extra charges may apply.
Finally, useful to know:
All travel expenses incurred on one day, are debited from the account at once the next day. The debit has a payment reference starting with NLOV followed by 14 digits and letters.
For more information, visit the OVpay website: