Personal & Reliable

Permanent Residence

When your highly skilled migrant wishes to live in the Netherlands indefinitely, it is possible to legalize their stay. A permanent residence permit can be applied for after a minimum stay of five years in the Netherlands. When a permanent residence permit is applied for, this can be done with or without the status of long-term resident EC. There are several conditions to be eligible for this. An initial check can be done based on the following points.

With long term resident

He/she has the nationality of an EU/EEA country or Switzerland. Or a family member of an EU/EEA citizen or a Swiss citizen;

  • He/she has been living in the Netherlands for 5 years or more with a valid residence permit
  • He/she or the sponsor (family member) has sufficient and sustainable income
  • He/she is registered in the Municipal Personal Records Database (BRP)
  • He/she has a valid passport

The following persons are considered family members of yours

  • Spouse or (registered) partner
  • Ascending family member: parent, in-laws, grandparent
  • Family member in the descending line: child, grandchild, great-grandchild


Without long term resident

  • He/she has been living in the Netherlands for 5 years with a valid non-temporary residence permit
  • He/she is registered in the Municipal Basic Administration of Persons (BRP)
  • He/she has sufficient and sustainable income
  • He/she passed the integration exam(if exemption is not applicable)

This sounds like a complex procedure. Don’t worry, Global Relocation Compass can handle the applications for indefinite stay in the Netherlands.

You can reach us via: or 00316 823 80 801.